Indoor Golf Drills: Level Up Your Game From Home

So you can't get to a golf course. Just great! Whether it's because of inclement weather, a busy schedule, or simply a lack of access to a course, there are times when getting out on the links simply isn't an option. But don't worry - all hope is not lost. In fact, one underused tool when attempting to improve your golf game is to practice drills at home.

Practicing at home can be a great way to supplement your regular course play, helping you to develop good technique, accuracy, and consistency. Not only can it be more convenient, but it can also be a lot of fun. You can practice in your living room, backyard, garage, or even your office.

In this article, we'll take a look at a variety of indoor golf drills that can help you level up your game from home. These drills cover a range of areas, so don't think all you'll be able to achieve are putts.

What You Need To Get Started

Based on what skills you wish to improve, you might need a few different tools to help you get there. Fortunately, you don't need acres of land to practice your golf game at home.

putting mat

In general, you might need to get your hands on some of the following:

  • Hitting net
  • Golf balls (real, foam, or plastic)
  • Putting mat (PuttOut)
  • Alignment sticks
  • Launch monitor (optional)
  • Household items (e.g. bucket or basket for chipping drills, towel for practicing tempo or grip)

A hitting net can be used to practice full swing drills indoors or in a backyard, while a putting mat is ideal for working on your putting stroke. Alignment sticks can be used to help with alignment and swing planes, and a launch monitor can provide valuable feedback on your ball flight.

The Best Drills To Focus On

Full Swing Drills

driving range simulator

  • The Helicopter Drill: The Helicopter Drill, developed by golf coach Danny Maude, is a great drill to help golfers develop a more powerful and consistent swing. The drill involves taking a full swing while holding the club with just one hand. This helps to promote a smooth and powerful release through the ball, while also encouraging proper body rotation.
  • Right Elbow Drill: The Right Elbow Drill, developed by Smash Factor Golf Coaching, is a great drill for golfers who struggle with an overactive or disconnected right arm during the swing. By focusing on keeping the right elbow close to the body throughout the swing, golfers can promote a more connected and powerful swing.
  • The Release and Connection Drill: The Release and Connection Drill, from the Art of Simple Golf, is designed to help golfers improve their release through the ball and develop a more powerful swing. By hitting balls with a restricted backswing, golfers can focus on releasing the club through impact and developing a more fluid and powerful swing.
  • Centre Contact Drill: The Centre Contact Drill, from Peter Finch, is designed to help golfers improve their ball striking and develop more consistent contact with the center of the clubface. By hitting balls with a tee placed in the ground just in front of the ball, golfers can focus on hitting the ball in the center of the clubface.
  • Anti-Casting/Fat Shot Drill: The Anti-Casting or Fat Shot Drill, also from Smash Factor Golf Coaching, is a great drill for golfers who struggle with casting the club and hitting fat shots. By focusing on keeping the weight forward and the hands ahead of the ball through impact, golfers can promote a more powerful and consistent strike, and avoid hitting behind the ball.

Chipping Drills

backyard chipping practice

  • The Butt Back Drill: The Butt Back Drill is designed to help golfers improve their balance and stability during chipping. The drill involves placing a chair behind the golfer and encouraging them to keep their butt back and their weight on their front foot during the swing.
  • The Hip Bump Drill: The Hip Bump Drill is designed to help golfers develop a more consistent and accurate chipping motion. Golfers can promote a more stable and consistent strike by bumping the hips toward the target during the downswing.
  • Indoor Target Hole Out Drill: The Indoor Target Hole Out Drill is a great way to practice chipping accuracy and touch indoors. The drill involves placing a small target, such as a paper cup or a bucket, and attempting to chip balls into the target from a variety of distances.
  • Towel Chipping Drill: The Towel Chipping Drill is a simple and effective way to practice chipping technique and control. By placing a towel on the ground and attempting to chip balls onto the towel from a variety of distances, golfers can improve their accuracy and consistency. The towel helps to eliminate the rolling of the ball, which helps golfers focus on their chipping technique and takes out the risk of breaking something.
  • Ladder Towel Drill: The Ladder Towel Drill is another great way to practice chipping accuracy and control. By placing a ladder on the ground and attempting to chip balls into the rungs of the ladder from a variety of distances, golfers can develop a better sense of touch and precision.
  • This is my personal favorite home chipping drill as it allows me to really work on control.
  • Chipping Technique Checkup Drill: The Chipping Technique Checkup Drill is designed to help golfers identify and correct common chipping mistakes. By filming their chipping motion and reviewing the footage, golfers can identify areas where they need to improve their technique.
  • Matchplay Chipping Drill: The Matchplay Chipping Drill is a fun and competitive way to practice chipping accuracy and touch. The drill involves playing a game of chipping matchplay with a partner, attempting to chip balls closer to the hole than your opponent.
  • Different Clubs Drill: The Different Clubs Drill is designed to help golfers develop a better sense of touch and control with different clubs. By attempting to chip balls onto a target using a variety of clubs, golfers can improve their accuracy and consistency with all their clubs, ideally helping with the selection of the correct one.
  • Chip the Coin Drill: The Chip the Coin Drill is a great way to practice chipping touch and precision. The drill involves attempting to chip a ball onto a coin from a variety of distances, with the goal of getting the ball as close to the coin as possible.
  • One-Handed Chip Shots: One-Handed Chip Shots are a great way to practice chipping accuracy and control. By chipping balls with just one hand on the club, golfers can develop a better sense of touch and control. This can also help fix unilateral biases that are frequently encountered by amateur golfers.
  • Balance Golf Drill: The Balance Golf Drill is designed to help golfers improve their balance and stability during the swing. The drill involves hitting balls while standing on one foot, which can help promote better balance and stability throughout the swing.
  • Back Against the Wall Drill: The Back Against the Wall Drill is a great way to practice chipping technique and control. By standing with your back against a wall and attempting to chip balls onto a target, you can develop better technique and control.
  • Eyes Closed Chipping Drill: The Eyes Closed Chipping Drill is a great way to develop better touch and control. By attempting to chip balls onto a target with the eyes closed, golfers can develop a better sense of feel and control.
  • This might not be applicable in real gameplay, but being able to hone in on your touch and control without the aid of visual feedback can really help you to refine your skills.
  • Coat Hanger Chipping Drill: The Coat Hanger Chipping Drill is designed to help golfers improve their chipping technique and accuracy. By hitting balls through a coat hanger, golfers can practice accuracy and control, while also avoiding the possibility of breaking something. This is a great home drill that can be both fun and effective.

Putting Drills

indoor putting drills

  • Putting Tempo Drill from Dan Whittaker: The Putting Tempo Drill from Dan Whittaker is a great way to improve your putting rhythm and tempo. The drill involves using a metronome to practice your stroke at a consistent tempo. A metronome is a great tool that can help you develop a more consistent and smooth putting stroke, which works by playing a steady beat at a set tempo.
  • The Book Drill: The Book Drill is a simple but effective way to improve your putting accuracy. The drill involves placing a book on the ground and attempting to putt balls over the book and into a target.
  • Three-Footer Streak: The Three-Footer Streak is a great way to practice your short putts and build confidence. The drill involves attempting to make 100 three-foot putts in a row.
  • Swinging A Towel Drill: The Swinging A Towel Drill is a great way to practice your putting stroke and develop a smoother and more consistent motion. The drill involves swinging a towel back and forth while attempting to putt balls into a target.
  • Credit Card Grip Drill: The Credit Card Grip Drill is designed to help golfers improve their putting grip and develop a more consistent stroke. The drill involves holding a credit card between your thumb and forefinger during your putting stroke.
  • Putting to a Playing Card Drill: Putting to a Playing Card is a fun and challenging way to practice your putting accuracy. The drill involves attempting to putt balls onto a playing card from a variety of distances.
  • Practice Perfect Speed with PuttOut: PuttOut is a great training aid that can help golfers develop better speed and accuracy on the greens. The device features a target that returns putts that are hit with the correct speed and accuracy.
  • Inside-Out Swing Path Drills: This drill is designed to help golfers improve their putting strokes and develop a more consistent path through the ball. The drills involve practicing putting strokes with a gate or other device to promote a straighter stroke.
  • Water Bottle Drills: Water Bottle Drills are a great way to practice your putting stroke and develop better control and accuracy. The drills involve placing water bottles or other objects on the green and attempting to putt them around them or over them.
  • Putting Pendulum: The Putting Pendulum is designed to help golfers develop a smoother and more consistent putting stroke. The drill involves swinging the putter back and forth like a pendulum while focusing on maintaining a smooth and consistent motion.

Clubface Control Drills

clubface impact

  • Gate Drill: The Gate Drill is an excellent way to practice clubface control and develop a more consistent swing path. The drill involves placing two clubs or other objects on the ground to create a "gate" that the golfer must swing the club through.
  • Tee Drill: The Tee Drill is designed to help golfers develop better clubface control and accuracy. The drill involves placing a tee in the ground and attempting to hit the ball over the tee without knocking it over.
  • Alignment Stick Drill: The Alignment Stick Drill is a great way to practice clubface control and develop a more consistent swing path. The drill involves placing an alignment stick or other object on the ground to help the golfer align their feet, hips, and shoulders with the target line. By practicing this drill regularly, you can develop better clubface control and improve your accuracy and consistency on the course.

Fitness Drills

Not technically considered a golf-based drill, but nevertheless, is of critical importance. Skip these exercises and you'll be missing out on an opportunity to improve your game.

Of course, to take proper advantage of fitness drills, it is imperative that you are paving the way for progression, especially as it relates to diet and supplementation.

We advocate for the use of Foundation; our high potency ATP and creatine blend to power your body through rigorous exercise.

  • Plank: The Plank is a great exercise for developing core strength, which is essential for a stable and consistent golf swing. The drill involves holding a plank position for a set amount of time.
  • Squats: Squats are a great exercise for developing leg strength and stability, which are important for generating power and maintaining balance throughout the golf swing.
  • Lunges: Lunges are a great exercise for developing leg strength and stability, which are important for generating power and maintaining balance throughout the golf swing.
  • Push-ups: Push-ups are a great exercise for developing upper body strength, which is important for generating power and maintaining control throughout the golf swing.
  • Medicine Ball Rotational Throws: Medicine Ball Rotational Throws are a great exercise for developing rotational power and explosiveness, which are essential for generating clubhead speed and hitting the ball farther.

Of course, exercise done several times weekly is highly advocated for, and with the inclusion of other movements as well.

Final Words

Drills are designed as a way to harness and fast-track the development of your skills. You can create your own as well, but the ones we mentioned above are tested and proven to be effective.

Drills can be real lifesavers to your game during poor weather conditions or when life gets in the way.

Keep at it, and you can preserve, and with some hard work- even improve your performance for the next time you hit the course.