Putting Problems? Try These Tips!

Are you looking to improve your putting game? You're not alone. In fact, 12 out of every 10 golfers want to do the same (did you catch what we did there?)

If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything from the basics of putting to more advanced concepts like aim and alignment.

We’ll even give you some troubleshooting tips in case you’re having trouble with your putting game. By the end of this post, you should have all the tools you need to take your putting game to the next level.

Why Putting?

Putting is one of the most important aspects of golf, and it’s an essential skill that you need to develop if you want to improve your game.

The best way to learn how to putt is by practicing regularly; there’s no substitute for experience! However, don’t forget that practice should be supplemented with instruction from an experienced golfer or golf coach so that you can get the most out of your practice sessions.

Types Of Putting Grips

You shouldn't be surprised to learn that there are several types of grip that one can use for putting. For many, it comes to comfort and feel.

The most common grip variants are:

1. The Claw Grip

2. The Reverse (conventional) Overlap Grip

3. Arm Lock

4. Arm Lock with Claw

5. Broomstick

6. Prayer

7. Wrist Lock Grip

The conventional grip is the most commonly used variant, but feel free to experiment with the other options to see which one works best for you.

The Basics Of Putting

Putting is often the most frustrating part of golf for amateur golfers. The key to putting is having a smooth, consistent stroke. This can be difficult to achieve, however, and many amateurs tend to overthink their putts and second-guess themselves. As with any other part of your game, practice makes perfect when it comes to putting. By constantly practicing your putting stroke, you will eventually improve your results.

There are a few key things that you need to remember when putting. The first is to keep your back straight and stable. This will help you maintain control over the ball and prevent it from rolling too much. Secondly, make sure that your hands are placed slightly behind the ball. This will ensure that the putt goes in smoothly and without resistance. Finally, keep your head still and focus on making a smooth, consistent stroke. These simple tips will help you putt better, no matter how experienced you may be.

But enough of that- time for us to discuss more pressing matters.

Aim And Alignment

Every putt has a starting point, an aim point, and a finish point. Knowing where these points are can help you better control the putt.

The starting point is the ball's current position. This is where you want the ball to start rolling once it leaves your hand. The aim point is the spot on the green where you want the ball to end up.

This is often located near or at the hole, but it also depends on your stroke and how close you are to hitting your target area.

alignment marker

The finish point is beyond the hole, where you want the ball to stop rolling. This can be helpful in determining whether or not to make a stroke for this putt. Knowing where these points are will help ensure that you hit your target every time.

There are a few ways to find your aim point. One way is to eyeball the hole and imagine where the ball would roll if you hit it there. Visualization is a powerful tool that can actually help this.

Another way is to use a tool known as an alignment aid (marker). This is a small plastic or metal device designed to help you line up your putt correctly.

It comes in different shapes and sizes, so it's easy to find one that fits your stroke. Once you have your aim point, you can start marking off the finish point on the green with a pen or stroke marker.

Once you have located both points, make sure they are always in the same spot when putting. This will help ensure that your putt goes where you want it to, at least most of the time.

Grip And Stroke

Finding the right putter for you is essential to putting well. There are many different putters on the market, and it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. Experiment with different grips until you find one that feels comfortable and allows you to control the ball easily. Always use the same grip and stroke when practicing, so your results will be consistent.

Many golfers also find it difficult to putt with a straight stroke. A curved stroke allows the ball to ride on top of the green, giving you more control over your shot. There are many different curves that work well for different golfers, so experiment until you find one that feels comfortable and results in good putting. Always use the same grip and stroke when practicing, or you wont know what works for you.

The Putter Face

The putter face is the most important part of the putter. There are two types of putter faces- mallet and blade (although there are technically subtypes as well). Your choice of putter face should be based on your own putting style. If you're a beginner, choose a mallet face. If you're more experienced, try a blade face as they are less forgiving.

putter face

Mallet face putters are designed for more stable shots. They have a larger nose and shorter backstroke than blade putters, which gives them a heavier feel when hit. Blade face putters offer more accuracy, but they can be harder to control because of their thin noses and elongated backstroke.

mallet putter face

Some players prefer this feel because it gives the illusion that the ball is rolling easier across the greens. It's important to choose the right putter face for your own putting style in order to produce consistent results on the green.

Speed Control

When it comes to putting, all golfers want to improve their speed control. This is because many factors affect how well you putt - your speed, the surface you're hitting the ball on, and your alignment.

One of the most important things you can do to improve your speed control is practice. Additionally, make sure that you are practicing on a variety of surfaces and at different speeds. You also want to make sure that you are keeping an eye on your alignment at all times - if it's off, your speed will be affected as well.

Breaking Down The Greens

There are many different types of greens on the golf course, and it can be difficult to know what putter to use for each one.

Let's look at 3 different scenarios:

Green 1: This is a medium-length green that tends to favor long hitters. A straight-putting iron should work well here, as long as you don’t try to go too hard off the tee. A pitching wedge may also be suitable if you are hitting shorter shots.

Green 2: This is a short green that is favored by short hitters and those who have good control around the green. A pitching wedge or fairway wood may be appropriate here; avoid using an iron because it will not do much damage and could easily roll off the edge of the hole. If you hit a bad shot here, your best option might be to take another club out and try again from further away from the hole.

Green 3: This is a very tricky green with many obstacles in front of your ball – including water hazards! If you hit your ball into one of these hazards, chances are it will not stay in play very long – so make sure you hit your shots squarely! An approach shot from about 10 yards away should work well with either club type; although an Iron might get more distance if conditions are favorable (wind etc).

Practice, Practice, Practice!

We've said this consistently- putting is one of the most important aspects of golf, and it's essential that you practice if you want to be able to play well. Practicing can help you learn to read greens better, which will allow you to make more accurate decisions about where to hit your ball.

putting drill

Additionally, practicing can help reduce nerves on the golf course. By becoming more consistent with your putting, you'll be able to play at a higher level and have more fun while doing so!

There are a number of ways to practice putting.

One popular method is to just use a putting Green. If you don't have access to a putting Green, you can also practice by hitting putts from different distances off of a tee or in the rough. You can even try practicing on an indoor green if the weather isn't cooperating! Regardless of how you choose to practice, make sure that you keep at it and don't give up on your putting skills.

Overcoming Common Mental Blocks In Putting

Mental blocks can be a major obstacle in putting. However, with the right mindset and practice, they can be overcome.

Amateur golfers often face two main mental blocks when it comes to putting: fear of making a mistake and feeling pressured. To overcome these fears, it is important to have a positive attitude toward your game and to focus on the process rather than the outcome.

Additionally, it is helpful to develop a routine before each putt so that you know exactly what you are supposed to do.

Other golfers may struggle because they have a difficult time accepting feedback. This can be especially challenging when it comes to their putting game, as making a mistake can feel very negative.

To overcome this fear, it is important to find someone who you trust and respect - someone who will be able to give you constructive criticism without personalizing the feedback.

It is also helpful to keep a Putting Diary in which you track your progress over time. This will help you see where you are making improvements and where you need to focus more effort.

How To Troubleshoot Your Putting

If you're having trouble with putting, there are a few things that you can do to fix the issue.

First, make sure that you are using the proper grip. Having a good grip on the club will help you control your shots and ensure that they are going where you want them to.

If you're still struggling, it might be helpful to try a different putter. There are many different types of putters on the market, so you're sure to find one that suits your game.

It is also important to focus on your aim. When you are lining up your shot, make sure that you are looking at the hole and not at the ball. This will help you focus on where you want the ball to go.

Finally, make sure that you have a smooth, consistent stroke. This will help you hit the ball with more power and accuracy.

However, if you're having trouble with putting and your putters aren't producing an arc at all, there may be a problem with the alignment of your shafts or clubheads. In this case, there may not be a single solution that will work for everyone.

Instead, it may require some experimentation to find what works best for you. However, by understanding the different causes of putting problems and solving them one step at a time, you'll be on your way to fixing your game!

Final Words

Putting is an important part of golf, but it is often overlooked. If you want to improve your game, it is essential to practice and troubleshoot your putting. By using the tips in this article, you'll at least be able to flex your muscles and show that you're serious about your game.