The Best Exercises To Improve Your Swing

Do you feel like your golf swing needs work? You're not alone. Have you tried actual resistance type exercises to help you do so? In this blog we're going to explore some specific exercises that can significantly improve your golf swing and in turn, overall game. Resistance training isn't just about building muscle; it's about creating stability, increasing flexibility, and improving the efficiency of your movements. All of these factors are essential for a powerful and consistent golf swing.

Let's take a look at some of the best ones,

Rotational Medicine Ball Throws

Rotational medicine ball throws are an exceptional exercise for golfers aiming to enhance their swing. This exercise targets the development of rotational power, a key component in the dynamics of an effective golf swing. 

When executing a golf swing, you are performing a rotational movement involving your entire body, particularly the core, hips, and shoulders. Rotational medicine ball throws mimic this movement, directly translating to improved performance on the course.

rotational medicine ball throw

These throws focus on developing your core muscles, including your obliques, abdominals, and lower back. A strong core is fundamental for any golfer since it offers the stability required to maintain balance and posture throughout the swing. 

With a strong and stable core, you can rotate with greater control and precision, ensuring that your swing path remains consistent and efficient.

The exercise also enhances your rotational strength and flexibility, crucial since golf swings demand a high degree of rotational mobility and the ability to generate power through this rotation. 

By performing this exercise regularly, you increase your ability to rotate more swiftly and powerfully. This increased rotational force directly translates to higher clubhead speeds, leading to longer drives and more distance on your shots.

Improvement in coordination and timing is another significant benefit of this seemingly “easy” exercise. The synchronized movement of your upper and lower body is essential for a smooth, effective golf swing. 

As you throw the medicine ball, you learn to coordinate the movement of your hips, shoulders, and arms, similar to the coordination needed in a golf swing. This practice helps with ingraining a fluid, natural motion that improves your overall swing mechanics.

Rotational medicine ball throws are dynamic and involve explosive power, which is highly beneficial for golfers. Golf swings require a burst of power in a very short time frame. By training with explosive, dynamic movements, you condition your muscles to fire quickly and powerfully, a crucial aspect of hitting the ball further.

Remember to perform these throws with proper form and intensity to maximize their benefits and reduce the risk of injury, both during the activity itself and in the long term.


Deadlifts are undoubtedly one of the “big two” exercises, helping to strengthen the entire body, and not surprisingly, helping your swing, too. 

This compound movement simultaneously engages multiple muscle groups vital for golf, offering a comprehensive approach to strength training. The execution of a deadlift enhances several key components that synergistically contribute to a more efficient golf swing.

fit guy doing deadlifts

One of the primary benefits of deadlifts is the strengthening of the posterior chain, comprising the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. These muscles are fundamental in your golf swing and form the base of power generation. 

The glutes and hamstrings generate power from the ground, enabling you to drive the ball farther. A strong lower back, essential for maintaining good posture and stability throughout the swing, becomes particularly crucial when rotating the body, helping prevent any unwanted movement that could lead to inconsistency in your shots.

In addition to reinforcing the posterior chain, deadlifts significantly enhance core strength. A robust core acts as a critical link between the lower and upper body movements in your swing. Improving core strength aids in the efficient transfer of power from your lower body through to your upper body and, ultimately, to the golf club. This seamless energy transfer is vital for achieving a swing that is both powerful and controlled.

Deadlifts also promote grip strength, necessary for maintaining control over the club throughout the swing. Improved grip strength leads to a more stable and effective swing path and better clubface control, essential for accurate shot-making.

The exercise also plays a pivotal role in improving overall body balance and proprioception. These elements are crucial in golf as they aid in maintaining a consistent and balanced body position from the backswing through to the follow-through. A stable and balanced stance ensures the efficient translation of power generated in the swing into the ball.

Incorporating deadlifts into your workout regimen not only bolsters the muscles involved in the swing but also leads to better endurance on the golf course. Golf rounds can last several hours, and the stamina built through deadlifting helps maintain a high level of performance throughout the round.

Integrating deadlifts into your training routine as a golfer can lead to significant improvements in swing mechanics and your overall game. However, to maximize benefits and minimize the risk of injury, it is crucial to ensure proper form and technique while performing deadlifts. The best way to master form? Starting with light weight and lots of practice.


Planks are one of those exercises that appear so easy on the surface but are anything but that. Known for their simplicity and effectiveness, these exercises focus on core muscles, crucial for any golfer seeking to improve their game. 

A strong core serves as the foundation of a powerful, stable, and efficient golf swing. Incorporating planks into your exercise regimen specifically targets several areas critical to enhancing your swing.

woman performing plank

The core muscles, including the abdominals, obliques, and lower back, play a pivotal role in creating and transferring power throughout the golf swing. A strong core ensures the efficient transfer of power from your lower body during the swing to your upper body and ultimately to the club. 

This energy transfer is essential for maximizing force on the golf ball, leading to increased drive distances and better overall performance.

A well-conditioned core from regular planking contributes to better balance and stability, key elements for consistent golf shots. An unstable or weak core can lead to an off-balance swing, causing less accurate shots and increasing the risk of injury. By strengthening the core muscles, planks enhance your ability to maintain stability and balance throughout the entire swing motion.

Planks also promote endurance in the core muscles, essential in a sport like golf that can be physically demanding over extended periods. Golfers with stronger cores can maintain proper posture and swing mechanics longer, reducing fatigue and the likelihood of performance degradation.

In addition to enhancing strength, balance, and endurance, planks play a critical role in injury prevention and longevity in the sport. A strong core supports the spine, reducing strain on the back during the golf swing's rotational movements. 

Since many golfers suffer from lower back pain due to the repetitive nature of swinging, strengthening the core can mitigate these risks, providing better support for the back and reducing the chances of injury.

The versatility of planks also makes them an ideal exercise for golfers of all experience levels. No equipment is needed, and they can be performed almost anywhere. Different variations, such as side planks and dynamic planks, can target diverse core muscle groups, adding variety to workouts and addressing different aspects of the golf swing.

Incorporating planks into a fitness routine can lead to substantial improvements in your swing by building a stronger, more stable, and enduring core. This foundational strength is not only crucial for a powerful swing but also for the longevity and health of your golf game. 

For optimal results, gradually try to improve the time spent under tension.

Lat Pulldowns

Lat pulldowns are one of the best exercises targeting the latissimus dorsi, the expansive muscles flanking the back. These muscles play a significant role in enhancing both the power and stability of a golfer's swing. 

man performing lat pulldown

Strengthening the latissimus dorsi through lat pulldowns can profoundly influence the effectiveness of your golf swing, offering enhanced power and stability.

The latissimus dorsi muscles primarily provide stability to the upper body, which is crucial for a controlled and consistent golf swing. The power and rotation in a golf swing emanate not just from the arms or core but from a robust back as well. 

By developing these muscles with lat pulldowns, you gain superior support and control during the swing. This enhanced stability is particularly beneficial for long shots, where the upper body’s steadiness can significantly influence the ball's trajectory and distance.

Beyond stability, lat pulldowns contribute to the power in your swing. The downswing, a critical phase where the swing's power is generated, relies on the strength of the latissimus dorsi. Stronger lats lead to a more forceful downswing, propelling the ball further. Importantly, this increase in power does not sacrifice accuracy. A strong and stable upper body enables a balance between power and precision, crucial for golfing success.

The exercise also promotes a fluid and seamless swing. The smoothness of a golf swing depends largely on the back muscles' flexibility and strength. Strengthening the lats not only enhances muscle power but also improves flexibility and range of motion. This improvement fosters a more natural, fluid motion, reducing the risk of injury and ensuring a more effortless swing.

To ensure complete development of the lats, incorporating a variety of grips and positions during your lat pulldowns is crucial. Utilizing different grips, such as the pronated (overhand), supinated (underhand), and neutral grips, can target different areas of the lats, providing a more comprehensive workout. Similarly, alternating between wide, medium, and narrow grip widths can intensify the exercise, further promoting muscle development.

In addition, the incorporation of unilateral lat pulldowns, where one arm is used at a time, can help address any imbalances between the left and right sides of the body. This is particularly important for golfers, as a balanced body aids in maintaining a consistent swing.

Incorporating lat pulldowns into a workout routine also benefits overall posture, crucial both on and off the golf course. Golfers often face posture challenges due to the nature of the swing and prolonged bent-over positions. Strengthening the back muscles aids in maintaining an upright posture, mitigating back pain and other posture-related issues.

Lat pulldowns are thus an essential exercise for golfers seeking to improve their swing. They build the latissimus dorsi, yielding stability, power, fluidity, and better posture, all contributing to a more effective golf swing. 

Proper technique and form are key in maximizing benefits and minimizing injury risks. For golfers looking to enhance their performance, integrating lat pulldowns into their fitness regime is a strategic and beneficial choice.


Rows have been a staple in training plans throughout the world, and for good reason- they work. Do you think they would work for a golfer's swing? You bet your sweet arm they would!

Rows are not just for those aiming to build a muscular back or toned arms, they are also beneficial for golfers. Why, you ask? The answer lies in the biomechanics of a golf swing. The muscles involved in performing a row are the same ones that contribute to a powerful, efficient golf swing.

The lats, rhomboids, and erector spinae, the deltoids, and biceps are all engaged during a row. These are the same muscles that are used during a golf swing. The lats and rhomboids stabilize the spine and keep the golfer grounded. 

The deltoids and biceps are responsible for the force generated during the swing, while the erector spinae ensures the spine remains in a stable, neutral position, minimizing the risk of injury.

Furthermore, rows also improve overall posture. Many golfers suffer from a hunched posture due to hours spent over the ball. Regular rowing can help counteract this, leading to a more upright posture and a more efficient swing.

Finally, rows can also help golfers develop a strong core along with the other mentioned exercises. A strong core is essential for a powerful swing as it connects the upper and lower body, allowing for a smooth transfer of power from the feet, through the hips and torso, to the club.

So yes, incorporating rows into your training regime can significantly improve your golf swing. They strengthen the necessary muscles, improve posture, and build a strong, powerful core, all of which contribute to an effective and efficient golf swing.


You won’t build a stronger body in isolation; it also takes a concerted effort on the nutrition front. This is why having a solid meal both before and after working out, rich in protein is so crucial.

Protein is the building block of the body and ensures muscles recuperate and rebuild stronger for the next interval.

We recommend a combination of whey and Radiance collagen peptides to really elevate your gains and safeguard your joints, in one fell swoop.

Final Words

Your swing can benefit handsomely from adding some well-selected exercises. Of course, there are many more choices of exercises, but these are a good solid base for starting off.