Tips To Improve Your Pace Of Play

As an amateur golfer, you've probably been told dozens of times that taking it slow and learning the ropes is okay. But just how slow is too slow? The truth is that while fellow golfers are generally patient with an amateur, there is a point beyond which sloth of play can aggravate. This is why from the get-go, in addition to honing your skills, you need to start developing an acceptable pace of play. Don't know what to do?

You're in the right place, because in this blog, we're going to discuss some essential tips and techniques to help you develop an acceptable pace of play and enjoy a smooth and satisfying game of golf.

Remember, golf is a sport that requires a balance of skill, patience, and discipline. While it's essential to take your time and make the most of each shot, you also need to keep the pace moving along to avoid delays and other problems. With the right mindset and approach, you can develop a comfortable pace of play that works for you, enhances your game, and keeps you and your fellow golfers happy and satisfied.

What Does The Pace Of Play Refer To?

Although the phrase should be self-explanatory, the pace of play refers to the speed at which a round of golf is played. It is the time taken by a group of golfers to complete a round, typically 18 holes, and is measured in minutes per hole.

When playing golf, it's important to maintain a steady pace and avoid slow play, which can cause delays and frustration for other golfers. Conversely, playing too quickly can also be a problem, as it can lead to rushed shots and mistakes. Therefore, finding the right balance is crucial for an enjoyable and efficient game.

How Long Should A Round Of Golf Last?

To appreciate the concept of pace of play, you should start by realizing how long an average round of golf should last. According to the USGA, a round of golf should take no more than four hours and 30 minutes to complete, while many courses have a target pace of play of around four hours or less.

15 minutes per hole

As a golfer, you should aim to complete each hole in no more than 15 minutes on average. However, keep in mind that the time taken to play each hole can vary depending on factors such as the length and difficulty of the hole, the number of golfers in your group, and the pace of play of other groups on the course. Some holes will be par 3, par 4 and par 5, which means that is is impossible to say that they all will be completed in the same amount of time.

Therefore, it's essential for you to be aware of these factors and adjust your play accordingly to ensure that you maintain a steady pace throughout the round. By doing so, you can enjoy a smooth and efficient game while showing respect for your fellow players and the golf course staff.

Why You Need To Improve Your Pace Of Play

There are a few reasons why you need to make an honest attempt at improving your pace around the course, some of which you may realize and others that you may not.

We all need to realize that fellow players do not appreciate a selfish or oblivious golfer, so try not to be that guy (or gal).

Respect For Other Golfers

Improving your pace of play in golf is an important sign of respect for other players. on the course. When you play slowly, you create a backlog of groups behind you, leading to delays and frustration for other golfers. This can disrupt the flow of play and impact the experience of everyone on the course.

respect for other golfers

By improving your pace of play, you show consideration for your fellow golfers and their time. Playing at a reasonable rate ensures that other groups don't have to wait unnecessarily, which can lead to a smoother and more enjoyable round for everyone involved.

In addition to being a matter of respect, maintaining a good pace of play is also an essential element of golf etiquette and unsaid rules of the game. Slow play is considered a breach of etiquette and can lead to negative attitudes towards you and your group. On the other hand, playing steadily and keeping up with the group in front of you is a sign of good manners and can create a positive impression among other golfers.

Better Time Management

Improving your pace of play in golf can be a valuable tool for time management and keeping to your schedule. By maintaining a consistent and efficient pace throughout the round, you can avoid delays and finish on time, ensuring that you have enough time for other commitments later in the day.

If you're playing in a tournament or competition, keeping a good pace of play can also help you avoid penalties for slow play and ensure that you complete all required rounds within the allocated time.

In addition, developing a good pace of play habits on the golf course can have positive effects beyond the game itself. By cultivating discipline and efficiency on the course, you can transfer these skills to other areas of your life, leading to better time management and increased productivity.

Improved Golf Skills

Improving your pace of play can have a positive impact on your golf skills as a player, too. By playing at a steady and acceptable pace, you can avoid overthinking shots and improve your mental focus and concentration. This can lead to better shots and scores, as you're less likely to rush or hesitate during your swing.

whole in one bar

Moreover, by planning your shots in advance and limiting practice swings and pre-shot routines, you can develop a more efficient and effective approach to your game. This can help you make better decisions on the course and avoid unnecessary mistakes that can negatively impact your score.

Playing at an acceptable pace also allows you to stay in rhythm and develop a consistent tempo and timing for your shots. This can lead to better ball striking and improved distance control, helping you hit more greens and fairways and make more putts.

Additionally, playing at an acceptable pace can help you avoid fatigue and stay physically and mentally fresh throughout the round. This can help you maintain your energy and focus, leading to better shots and scores throughout the entire round.

It's a simple fact that the longer the round goes on, the more tired and worn out you will feel, so conserve your energy, but still be sure to eat a high-quality Whole in One Bar in-between holes to maximize your performance.

Tips For Improving The Pace Of Play

So how do you go about improving your pace? Glad you asked! Here are some great ways to start working on that:

Be Ready to Hit when It's Your Turn

One of the most important aspects of improving your pace of play in golf is being ready to hit when it's your turn. This means having your club selection ready and being prepared to take your shot as soon as it's your turn. Taking too long to get ready to hit can slow down the game and lead to delays for other players.

ready to hit

To be ready to hit when it's your turn, you can use a few simple techniques. First, keep your clubs organized in your golf bag, so you can quickly and easily find the club you need for each shot. You can also plan your shots in advance and have a general idea of which club you'll need for each shot, so you're not scrambling to make a decision when it's your turn.

Secondly, pay attention to the game and the players ahead of you. As you're approaching your ball, watch the other players and be aware of who's hitting and when. This way, you can be prepared to take your shot as soon as it's your turn.

By being ready to hit when it's your turn, you can help maintain a steady and efficient pace of play, making the game more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Keep Up with The Group in Front of You

Playing at a pace that is significantly slower than the group in front of you can cause delays and frustration for other golfers, ultimately leading to a less enjoyable experience for everyone.

To keep up with the group in front of you, it's essential to be aware of their progress on the course and adjust your own pace accordingly. This means paying attention to their movements and being ready to hit your shot when it's your turn.

On the other hand, if you find that the group behind you is playing too fast and putting pressure on your own pace of play, don't be afraid to let them play through. This can help everyone maintain a steady pace and enjoy their game without unnecessary delays.

Limit Practice Swings and Pre-Shot Routines

Limiting practice swings and pre-shot routines is an effective way to improve your pace of play as well. Practice swings and pre-shot routines can take up valuable time and result in a bottleneck, creating angry players.

By limiting your practice swings and pre-shot routines, you can speed up your play and maintain a steady pace throughout the round. We don't mean skipping these, as they are very important rituals, but rather taking only the necessary amount of practice swings, and keeping your pre-shot routine brief and efficient.

One way to limit practice swings is to take just one or two swings before hitting your shot, rather than repeatedly swinging your club before each shot. Similarly, you can streamline your pre-shot routine by focusing on the essential elements such as your stance, grip, and alignment, rather than spending excessive time on less critical aspects.

As you play more golf, you will get better at streamlining these activities so don't get too tied down on this yet, but just realize that more is generally never equal to better.

Use A Golf Cart Efficiently

No- using a golf cart does not make you "lazy" but is actually an effective way to improve your pace of play and maximize efficiency during the round. Carts provide a convenient and fast mode of transportation between holes, allowing you to cover more ground in less time and keep up with the group in front of you.

couple on golf cart

Who says you need to painstakingly walk the entire course if you don't particularly want to?

When a golf cart is available, it's generally recommended that you use it, especially on courses with longer distances between holes. By using a golf cart, you can reduce the time it takes to move between holes, allowing you to focus on your shots and maintain a steady pace of play.

In addition to improving the pace of play, using a golf cart can also help reduce fatigue and physical strain, especially for older or less fit golfers. This can help you maintain your energy and focus throughout the round, leading to better shots and a more enjoyable overall experience.

However, it's important to use golf carts responsibly and safely to avoid accidents and damage to the course. Be sure to follow any rules or guidelines provided by the course staff, and avoid reckless driving or excessive speed.

Use A Provisional Ball when Necessary

Ever used a provisional ball? A provisional ball is simply a second ball played by a golfer from the same spot as their first ball, in case the first ball is lost, out of bounds, or is no longer playable. A provisional ball is played to avoid delaying the pace of play by searching for the first ball or going back to the previous location to hit another shot.

To play a provisional ball, you simply declare your intention to do so before hitting the shot, and then hit a second ball from the same spot as your first ball. If you find your first ball and it is playable, you can continue playing it and pick up the provisional ball. However, if you cannot find your first ball, you can continue playing the provisional ball without penalty.

Playing a provisional ball not only helps you maintain a good pace of play, but it also shows respect for your fellow golfers and your maturity.

Putt Out When Possible

Putting out is a simple but often overlooked way to improve your pace of play. On the green, players can quickly become stuck in an endless loop of marking, unmarking, and remaking putts while waiting their turn. This can eat up valuable time and lead to frustrated golfers and slow rounds.

putting out

To avoid this, try putting out when possible, meaning that you should finish putting out each hole before moving on to the next one. This will help keep up a steady pace of play and avoid long waits between putts. Additionally, it can help reduce mental fatigue since you won't have to wait around for your turn and can instead focus on playing your shots.

Putting out improves casual play speed, but is also subject to contentious points when used in more competitive settings and is not officially endorsed as a rule in professional golf. However, it can be a good option for casual or recreational rounds and is generally accepted as long as all players agree to the practice.

Final Words

Achieving a decent pace of play is one of the hallmarks of a good golfer and a stepping stone that you should strive for.

The tips we mentioned are great ways to make a difference in your overall pace of play, but the best way to improve is simply practice and experience. As you continue to play more rounds, you'll gradually refine your strategies and develop a better understanding of what works for you and what doesn't in the need for speed!