Build A Stronger Back: Best Exercises To Remain An Injury Free Golfer

Did you know that up to 30% of golfers experience back pain at some point in their playing careers? That's nearly one in every three players walking the green! If you're a golfer, these statistics might hit close to home—or perhaps close to your spine. 

The golf swing is a complex, demanding movement that puts a tremendous amount of stress on your back, making it prone to aches, pains, and even severe injuries. So, how can you protect this vital part of your anatomy and, in the process, level up your game?

See, your back isn't just another body part; it's the fulcrum of your swing, the pillar of your posture, and, quite frankly, the engine of your game. A strong back doesn't just keep you out of the medical bay; it also adds power and finesse to your swing. From maintaining a balanced posture to generating that explosive force in your downswing, a fortified back is your ticket to golfing success.

By the end of this article, you'll know the anatomy of the back as it pertains to golf, common back injuries afflicting golfers, and the best exercises to build a robust, resilient back. Most importantly, you'll discover how to play the sport you love without the nagging fear of back-related setbacks. So let's tee off on a journey to not only improve your golfing prowess but to also enhance your physical well-being, one vertebra at a time.

Key Muscles Involved in a Golf Swing

Understanding the anatomy of the back is not just for anatomy geeks or medical professionals; it's essential for every golfer aiming to improve their game and reduce injury risk. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the most frequently injured parts of your back.

muscles of the back

Latissimus Dorsi

The first muscle, and arguably, the most well known is the latissimus dorsi, often referred to as the "lats." These broad, wing-like muscles stretch down from your armpits to your lower back. Think of them as the power generators of your swing. When you're pulling the club back in your backswing or bringing it down in the downswing, your lats are hard at work. 

They contribute to the rotation of your torso and help you maintain a stable posture, making them invaluable for generating force and maintaining balance.

Erector Spinae

Next is the erector spinae, a set of muscles running parallel to your spine from your skull, all the way down to your pelvis. These are your posture champions. 

They help you maintain that erect, stable position, crucial for any golf swing. When you're bending at the hips and maintaining your stance over the ball, it's the erector spinae that are keeping you from folding like a deck chair. They support the spinal column and ensure a smooth, controlled movement throughout your swing.


Last but not least, we have the trapezius. Situated at the upper part of your back and stretching around to the front of your shoulders, this muscle plays a supporting role but is crucial for control. When you raise your arms to swing the club, your "traps" help stabilize your shoulder blades. This stability allows for greater control over your swing, ensuring that your arms and shoulders move in a coordinated fashion.

How These Muscles Work in Coordination During a Golf Swing

Understanding these muscles individually can help you get an idea of their importance, but recognizing how they work in tandem during a golf swing is the golden ticket. 

As you initiate your backswing, your latissimus dorsi are activated to enable the twisting of your upper body. As you reach the peak of the swing, your erector spinae are engaged to maintain your spinal posture, while your trapezius muscles are busy stabilizing your shoulder blades for that perfect alignment.

As you launch into the downswing, all three muscle groups coordinate their efforts. Your lats generate the rotational force, your erector spinae ensure you stay balanced and aligned, and your trapezius muscles offer the shoulder stability needed for a controlled, precise hit. 

Finally, during the follow-through, these muscles work to decelerate your body, helping to prevent any jerky movements that could lead to injury.

Common Back Injuries in Golf

Golf may seem like a low-impact sport compared to something like football or basketball, but don't let that fool you. The repetitive nature of the golf swing, coupled with poor posture and lack of conditioning, can wreak havoc on your back. 

Even professional golfers with their physiotherapists and trainers are not immune. Let’s take a look at the three most prevalent types of back injuries that golfers often experience.


A sprain refers to the stretching or tearing of ligaments, the fibrous tissue that connects two bones together in your joints. In golf, you can sprain your back during a forceful swing, especially if your technique is flawed or if you suddenly lose your footing. 

The abrupt, rotational motion of a golf swing can sometimes be too much for the ligaments to handle, leading to a sprain. If you find yourself experiencing a sharp, localized pain after a swing, it's a red flag you shouldn't ignore.


Unlike sprains, which affect ligaments, strains are injuries that occur to muscles or tendons. Strains in the back often occur in the lumbar region and are generally due to overexertion or poor mechanics. Imagine you're on the 18th hole; you're tired but determined to finish strong. You pull back for a powerful swing but overdo it, feeling a sudden, sharp pain in your lower back. 

Congratulations, you've likely just strained a muscle. Overstressing your back muscles either through a single intense action or repetitive motions can lead to strains that keep you off the course for weeks.

Herniated Discs

Arguably one of the more severe back injuries, a herniated disc occurs when the soft, jelly-like center of a spinal disc pushes out through a tear in the tougher exterior casing. This condition is often the result of years of wear and tear, but a single, poorly executed swing can be the straw that breaks the camel's— or in this case, golfer's—back. 

spinal disc herniation

The herniation can irritate nearby nerves, resulting in pain, numbness, or even weakness in your limbs. Herniated discs can be not only extremely painful but also debilitating, requiring medical intervention and potentially even surgery.

Best Exercises to Build a Stronger Back

You’d be fooling yourself if you believed for one minute that you could build a stronger back without resistance exercise. The entire premise of getting stronger revolves around being able to progressively manage heavier load, or having your muscles exhibit greater fatigue resistance (which could lead to injury). Be sure to incorporate the following:


How to Do It: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grasp a barbell with both hands. Keep your back straight, bend your knees slightly, and hinge at the hips to lower the bar towards the ground. Use your glutes and lower back to lift the weight back up, straightening your hips and knees.

What It Targets: Deadlifts primarily target the erector spinae muscles along your spine, as well as your traps, glutes, and hamstrings.

Golf-Specific Benefits: Deadlifts are phenomenal for increasing the strength and endurance of your back muscles, which is essential for generating power in your golf swing. They also improve your posture and stability, helping you maintain a strong and consistent stance when you're aiming for that perfect shot.

Lat Pull-Downs

Steps to Perform: Sit down at a lat pull-down machine and grab the bar with a wide grip. Keep your chest up and shoulders back as you pull the bar down towards your chest. Slowly release the bar back to the starting position.

man using lat pulldown machine illustration

Areas Targeted: This exercise focuses on the latissimus dorsi muscles, located on either side of your back.

Improvements in Your Game: Strong lats contribute to a smooth and controlled golf swing. They provide the pulling force that guides your swing, helping you drive the ball with greater accuracy and less effort.

Superman Exercise

How to Do This: Lie facedown on the floor with your arms stretched out in front of you and legs straight. Lift your arms, chest, and legs off the ground simultaneously, as if you're flying like Superman. Hold for a few seconds, then lower back down.

What It Targets: The exercise primarily targets the lower back but also engages the glutes and shoulders.

Unique Advantages for Golfers: The Superman Exercise is low-impact and excellent for strengthening the muscles that keep your spine aligned. It can improve your posture and reduce the strain on your back during a long game of golf.

Planks and Side Planks

Execution: For the plank, get into a push-up position but rest your weight on your forearms. Engage your core and hold your body in a straight line. For side planks, lie on one side, prop yourself up with one elbow, and lift your hips off the ground.

man performing side plank

Muscle Groups: These exercises engage the core, back, and shoulders.

Why It's Essential for Golfers: Planks build endurance and strength in the muscles that keep your back stable during your golf swing, reducing the risk of injury. Not to mention that standing for several hours also takes a toll on your core if you’re fit.

Kettlebell Swings

How to Perform: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a kettlebell with both hands in front of you. Swing the kettlebell between your legs, then use your hips and legs to swing it up to shoulder height.

What It Targets: This exercise engages the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, providing a full posterior chain workout.

How It Mimics the Golf Swing: The explosive hip hinge motion in kettlebell swings closely resembles the hip drive in a golf swing, allowing you to generate more power and speed.

Other Activities To Build A Stronger Back

While deadlifts, planks, and other targeted exercises are invaluable for back strength and should form the base of your strength-building plan, integrating activities like yoga, swimming, and Pilates into your routine can offer holistic benefits.


Why It Helps: Yoga emphasizes flexibility, balance, and core strength, all of which are crucial for a strong back and a good golf game. The practice includes various poses that target the back, improving both strength and flexibility.

Golf-Specific Benefits: Golf demands a high level of mental focus and body awareness—two skills that yoga cultivates. The rotational movements in golf can be complemented by yoga's focus on spinal twists and core strength. Improved flexibility can also lead to a broader range of motion in your swings.

Suggested Poses: Consider adding poses like Downward Dog, Cobra, and Child’s Pose into your yoga routine. These poses focus on stretching and strengthening back muscles.


Why It Helps: Swimming offers a full-body workout without placing excess stress on your joints. The water’s resistance engages your back muscles, helping you build strength and endurance.

Golf-Specific Benefits: The lateral movements in swimming, particularly in strokes like the freestyle and backstroke, engage the same muscle groups used in your golf swing. The aerobic benefits of swimming also improve your stamina, helping you maintain your best performance throughout your golf game.


Why It Helps: Pilates focuses on core strength, flexibility, and mindful movement, offering a balanced approach to back health. The exercises often target smaller stabilizing muscles that are crucial for maintaining a healthy back and good posture.

Golf-Specific Benefits: Pilates can help you improve your rotational strength, a vital aspect of a powerful and accurate golf swing. The attention to core strength and spinal alignment in Pilates translates to a more stable and balanced posture in your golf stance.

Suggested Exercises: Consider adding Pilates exercises like The Saw and Spine Stretch to work on your back and core muscles.

Nutritional Interventions

Alongside physical exercise and supplementary activities, nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting back strength and improving your golf game. Proper nutrition can enhance muscle recovery, reduce inflammation, and provide the building blocks necessary for muscle recovery. 

Collagen Peptides

What It Is: Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the human body and is crucial for the health of your joints, tendons, and muscles. Radiance Collagen Peptides provide an easy way to supplement your diet with high-quality collagen.

Golf-Specific Benefits: Collagen peptides can support the health and strength of connective tissues in the back, which can be a game-changer in preventing injuries. This supplement may also improve skin and joint health, contributing to overall well-being that indirectly benefits your golf game.

Healthy Fats

Why It Helps: Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, flaxseeds, and certain nuts have anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate back pain.

Golf-Specific Benefits: Reduced inflammation can lead to a more comfortable and flexible back, enabling a more fluid golf swing.

Whole In One Whole Food Bars

What It Is: These bars are a convenient and delicious way to get a balanced mix of proteins, healthy fats, and essential nutrients. They're crafted with whole food ingredients, making them an ideal choice for holistic health.

Golf-Specific Benefits: With a balanced nutrient profile, Whole In One Bars can sustain your energy levels throughout your golf game. They provide the essential amino acids needed for muscle repair, aiding in quicker recovery and stronger back muscles over time.

Final Words

Even though back injuries are common in golfers, you don’t have to be a statistic. Most of the time, these injuries could be avoidable, especially with a basic level of fitness. Just be sure to allocate ample time for recovery as well, or you might just end up fast-tracking an injury of your own.